Expert Attorneys, Favorable Outcomes for You and Your Family
Do you need to obtain the immediate protection of you or your children from domestic abuse, stalking, or harassment? The attorneys at Schell & Oglesby, LLC can help through filing of an order of protection and requesting a temporary restraining order by the Court.
These proceedings are serious and fast moving. They require counsel that knows both the legal process and the intricacies of the court that dictates the outcome. The immediate impact of these proceedings includes:
- Mandates a hearing within fourteen days of filing
- Can immediately restrain an individual from contacting their significant other or children for up to a year
- Can impact an individual’s ability to return to their residence or maintain firearms
If you are in need of immediate action and protection, or if you’ve been served with an order of protection, our expert attorneys are available to represent you and provide the guidance and direction you need.